Algirdas Makarevicius. International Experience: Teaching and Research
My primary field of interest is linguistic pragmatics and cross-cultural communication: the relationship between social and cultural structures, the study of social conflict, and the analysis of face-to-face interaction.
My other field of interest is making English language study relevant to the demands of the social and professional tasks facing graduates by developing a reliable means of analyzing and specifying particular learners' language requirements. For this purpose, I develop teaching materials that reflect linguistic and lingo-pragmatic realities of language and language use in specific fields. Such materials provide teachers and learners a clear, coherent focus and structure.
My doctoral dissertation focused on researching lingo-stylistic peculiarities of the feature article as a genre in the English newspaper style. I conducted a comparative analysis of compositional and semantic structures, analyzed pragmatic factors that influenced the selection and usage of different language means and stylistic devices in the texts of the feature article, and compared feature articles with leading articles, short news items, advertisements, and other newspaper genres.
I have extensive experience in socio-cultural settings relevant to my profession. First, I studied and worked in Europe and benefitted from Australia's academic environment and general lifestyle. Later, I lectured and researched in a different cultural and linguistic environment of Papua New Guinea. In 1999-2000, I taught ESL at Eastern Mediterranean University in Northern Cyprus. The subsequent five years spent in China were gratifying to me. I learned much about Chinese lifestyle, culture, and language teaching and learning methods at schools and universities. From 2006 to 2009, I worked as Head of Languages Centre at the Middle East College of Information Technology in Oman. I was involved in ESL teaching, administration, program design, and material development. From September 2009 till August 2014, I served as Associate Professor of Linguistics in the Department of Foreign Languages at the University of Nizwa. At present, I teach general academic requirements courses at the Higher Colleges of Technology in Dubai.
I had unique opportunities to travel three times around the world and become acquainted with many exciting and culturally diverse countries: India, Brazil, Singapore, Mongolia, Pakistan, the Philippines, Thailand, Hong Kong, the United Kingdom, the United States, Germany, France, Denmark, Italy, Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine, Estonia, Latvia, Moldova, Georgia, Poland, Chechnya, and some other countries. I worked and studied in Papua New Guinea, China, Russia, Australia, Lithuania, Oman, Northern Cyprus, and the United Arab Emirates.
My primary field of interest is linguistic pragmatics and cross-cultural communication: the relationship between social and cultural structures, the study of social conflict, and the analysis of face-to-face interaction.
My other field of interest is making English language study relevant to the demands of the social and professional tasks facing graduates by developing a reliable means of analyzing and specifying particular learners' language requirements. For this purpose, I develop teaching materials that reflect linguistic and lingo-pragmatic realities of language and language use in specific fields. Such materials provide teachers and learners a clear, coherent focus and structure.
My doctoral dissertation focused on researching lingo-stylistic peculiarities of the feature article as a genre in the English newspaper style. I conducted a comparative analysis of compositional and semantic structures, analyzed pragmatic factors that influenced the selection and usage of different language means and stylistic devices in the texts of the feature article, and compared feature articles with leading articles, short news items, advertisements, and other newspaper genres.
I have extensive experience in socio-cultural settings relevant to my profession. First, I studied and worked in Europe and benefitted from Australia's academic environment and general lifestyle. Later, I lectured and researched in a different cultural and linguistic environment of Papua New Guinea. In 1999-2000, I taught ESL at Eastern Mediterranean University in Northern Cyprus. The subsequent five years spent in China were gratifying to me. I learned much about Chinese lifestyle, culture, and language teaching and learning methods at schools and universities. From 2006 to 2009, I worked as Head of Languages Centre at the Middle East College of Information Technology in Oman. I was involved in ESL teaching, administration, program design, and material development. From September 2009 till August 2014, I served as Associate Professor of Linguistics in the Department of Foreign Languages at the University of Nizwa. At present, I teach general academic requirements courses at the Higher Colleges of Technology in Dubai.
I had unique opportunities to travel three times around the world and become acquainted with many exciting and culturally diverse countries: India, Brazil, Singapore, Mongolia, Pakistan, the Philippines, Thailand, Hong Kong, the United Kingdom, the United States, Germany, France, Denmark, Italy, Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine, Estonia, Latvia, Moldova, Georgia, Poland, Chechnya, and some other countries. I worked and studied in Papua New Guinea, China, Russia, Australia, Lithuania, Oman, Northern Cyprus, and the United Arab Emirates.
The above experiences gave me valuable insights into many cultures, learning, and teaching styles at different universities, colleges, schools, and ESL training centers. They enabled me to design the website ESL Teacher Reference Desk. This website serves English teachers, professors, and researchers who wish to improve their competence in teaching, research, education, administration, ESL job search, and many other areas related to the English teaching profession.
Dr. Algirdas Makarevicius
Ph.D., Linguistics
Algirdas Makarevicius Quotes
Teaching Philosophy:
'I am an educator and a life-long learner. I believe that a great teacher should teach in such a way that whatever is offered by the teacher is perceived by his or her students as a valuable gift but not as a hard, repulsive duty.' Algirdas Makarevicius
Management Philosophy:
'Management is art, and it requires creativity. An excellent manager motivates his or her employees in such a way that they would be willing to do their job independently and in the best possible way to achieve high-quality results.' Algirdas Makarevicius
Dissemination of Reliable Information and Opinions Worldwide:
'It is not enough to teach in the classroom. It is important to spread the knowledge worldwide. Teaching is a consistent, interactive process of learning and sharing. Therefore, I designed a non-profit website ESL Teacher Reference Desk.' Algirdas Makarevicius
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